Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NOTD: QM a Drugstore Nail Color

Hi its been a really long time since i kept a blog post. Sorry but i have been really busy and i went on a little one day trip outside the country for shopping and when i have my spare time i just relax so i am guilty but hopefully i am now back to put some more posts.

Okay, todays Nail Of The Day is a drugstore nail polish i am not sure if you can get it world wide or not but i hope so. Let me know if you can find it in your drugstore? Its a very pretty metalic blue it suite all kinds of skintones and its a summery color but i think that its fine for the begging of fall. In my area it is still so hot that its summer. The nail polish color reminds me of the aqua and if you watched the movie "Aqua Marine" the mermaid nails color changes on her mood. and this is the most frequent mood color, or the one which was in the beggining on her nail. Here are some pictures:

* One coat no flash.


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